Managed Cyber Defence

Proactively Guarding your Security Infrastructure

Help AG's Managed Security Services (MSS) address the growing need for expertise in proactively monitoring, detecting & responding to threats in real-time. We deliver local services aligned with leading security policies & technologies, backed by highly competent resources.


Our Services

Managed Network Detection & Response (MNDR)

Enhance your network metadata using advanced machine learning & intelligence in-depth threat hunting & response & comprehensive investigation of potential attackers.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR)

Efficiently assess & respond to critical security threats & abnormal behaviour within internal & external networks.

Managed Endpoint Detection & Response (MEDR)

Experience granular threat visibility, unmatched protection, containment, & real-time threat mitigation against threats across all endpoints.


Managed Digital Risk Protection

Harden your organisation against external cyber threats across their entire life cycle, from early detection & monitoring, to analysis, assessment, risk mitigation, & resolution.


Vulnerability Management

Ensure optimal security & compliance through continuous identification, assessment, & prioritisations of vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure.

Managed Security controls

Enjoy peace of mind with 24/7 health monitoring & management of your cybersecurity controls backed by guaranteed SLA & optimised solutions.

Managed Threat Intelligence

Enhance threat detection & response with tailored, real-time insights & analysis, bolstering cybersecurity through curated intelligence on IoCs, TTPs, threat actors, & security advisories. 

Reach out to us!

To learn more about our solutions, get in touch with our team of experts