Digital Transformation Consulting

Bridging human expertise with technological innovation

Unlocking Infinite Digital Potential

As technology continues to reshape the business landscape, your organisation must evolve or risk falling behind. 

At e& enterprise, we recognise the imperative of embracing change. Our approach combines human-centric strategies with cutting-edge technology, empowering businesses to innovate, adapt, and lead in the age of digital transformation.



With the Digital Transformation Consulting offering, e& enterprise becomes the truly trusted partner of our customers during the full lifecycle of their digital transformation journeys: from the conceptualisation of their strategies and the build-up of their roadmaps to finally the realisation and implementation of those ambitions.


Our strong expertise in delivering real-life large transformational programs entitles us to advise our customers on technological market trends, build future proven digital strategies, and define vendor-agnostic roadmaps that we will deliver and operate for them.


 The Digital Transformation Consulting offering hence complements the value delivered by e& enterprise portfolio, advising our customers on their specific challenges and ambitions, while accelerating their access and understanding to e& enterprise broad services catalogue.

Comprehensive Strategy-to-Execution Solutions Led by Experts

Strategy Formulation

Work hand-in-hand with our experts to develop a tailored strategy that aligns with your business goals. Together, we'll explore how to unlock your digital potential and map out a roadmap for success.


Expert Execution

Trust in our skilled professionals to bring your strategy to life. With a wealth of technical expertise, we'll implement solutions that drive efficiency and innovation, while ensuring smooth adoption and managing change.


Rich Technology Portfolio

  • Explore our diverse portfolio of cutting-edge technologies, ranging from Multi-cloud and Cybersecurity to essential business applications, Data, and AI. We provide the tools you need to thrive in the digital landscape.


Strong Partnerships

  • Benefit from our extensive network of trusted partners, enabling us to accelerate time-to-market and deliver tailored solutions to address your unique challenges. Together, we will overcome obstacles and drive meaningful change for your business.

Our Methodology

By coupling our industry know-how and strong technological expertise we have created our unique 3+1 methodology that leverages our unique value proposition and differentiates us in front of customers.


We kick off by gathering insights, connecting the right stakeholders to assess the current state of your business, and identifying opportunities through comprehensive research and industry best practices.

Trends & BenchmarkingGenerative Research | Current State and Maturity Assessment



 Next, we envision the future state by ideating and conceptualising experiences with our proven design thinking approach. This involves developing target architectures and business requirements to drive innovation.

Design-Thinking Workshops | To-be Journeys Target Architecture  Business | Requirements


We then create a roadmap for implementation, outlining the necessary actions, initiatives, and technologies to support the defined strategy and solutions.

Implementation RoadmapInitiative Cards TCO's


Finally, we bring our plans to life, building products, services, and solutions that fulfil our clients' needs. Leveraging our end-to-end capabilities, we deliver rapid transformations, reducing time-to-market and maximising impact.

Our Approach

Boost Business

We Boost Business through the understanding of the ever-changing landscape, behaviours, needs, and expectations. We leverage our industry know-how experts to assess what good looks like, identify ways to improve it, and realise the impact.

Business Analysis | Benchmarking & Research | Process & Ecosystem Mapping

Transform Technology

We Transform Technology by realising the possible, solving complex problems
We harness our extensive technical knowledge to thoroughly analyse and endorse cutting-edge, innovative solutions across our diverse technology portfolio.


Multi-Cloud | Cyber Security | IoT | Business Applications | Data & AI | Front Office & CX Technologies

Expand Experience

We Expand Experience by keeping people at the heart of our approach. We craft delightful notions with human-led tools & our design thinking approach to help organisations achieve Distinctive, Personal, Engaging & Coherent experiences. 

Experience Measurement & Assessment | Service Design | Customer Journey Mapping | UX & CX Research

Connect with us

Contact our team and take the first step towards a digitally empowered business.